Friday, November 12, 2010

Cloudy skies

This gloomy day has kept us in our jammies. I was surprised to find something that made me happy with the sun's absence. These are precious, no? Perhaps they could be incorporated into my boys room when I do the Star Wars revamp shortly after Rowan's birthday. They scream galaxy to me. I was pleased to find some grey and black tones (let alone with a small dash of purple) enjoy! Courtesy of The Butter Flying


nicolie y said...

AWESOME!!!!!!! They will be so cool in their new star wars room!!! Ethan REALLY wants the color RED in his new room! I cannot find ANY cute bedding to start you know of any good places? I feel like I've checked everywhere. Those are just so fun, I hope we can do something cool in Ethan's new room...but I have no ideas yet!!!

Ruffled Snob said...

I would definitely pick a theme. Like cowboy, old fashion cars, or just a cute flannel those would be easy to tie red into it! Pottery barn is by far my favorite for boys bedding! They had adorable dr suess bedding with red I love it!

aprilchanel said...

super cute. per usual. you have UH-MAZING style. just so you know.