Friday, January 7, 2011

obsessed with star wars

New room! After much talk and weeks of finding the perfect paint color it is finally done and I can't believe I didn't do this sooner! I never thought that a star wars themed room could look as sweet and calm as a baby nursery but I am sure glad I was wrong. I will admit as awful as those striped walls were I would be lying if I said I hated them. I so desperately wanted that room to be a baby's nursery. It was hard for me to let go of mostly because it was the room where my boys had so many firsts. But many more memories will be made in here now that it is less cluttered!

It is a tough thing having our boys share a small space, but they don't seemed to mind one bit. It is not so much the sleeping arrangements that bother me. It is more so the lack of toy storage. We put a lot of thought into this renovation. Our good thoughts consisted of less on the walls/shelves it is already so chaotic with all the furniture. Bad thoughts went something like this: let's try to get Brinley to sleep on the trundle so we can take the crib out of the room/ We came to our senses and remembered what a trouble maker Brinley is so penning him up will keep us sane!
Rowan has always had Andy's old bed and a fresh coat of paint made it fit my liking! We weren't able to paint the rest of the furniture because it matches the crib. I am hoping to buy both boys new furniture in our next home so we kept our budget tight on this.
Over all the clearing of the room made for a tough weekend. We could barely venture through our loft let alone enter our room so that meant slumber party in the living room for every one. But I have to say it was a lot of fun working with Andy and for once we were on the same page of how to do this thing. I also have to brag about our boys because they were extremely patient and stayed out of trouble while we locked them out of their room {unsupervised eeeek} while we did the entire room.
see how it used to look
You are in love with this gray, no? 

Rowan's "must have" bedding was the starting point for the colors once I painted his bed a gray-ish white there was no turning back. I am so in love with the color!
This is actually in the closet now. It used to be in the entrance of the room

 (sorry about the poor picture quality I will get a better one in the morning-this was off my phone) Now that we lowered the crib the bed skirt looked to cluttered and frumpy so after dealing with the reality of my boy growing up I removed it.The moment Brinley wakes he is bored so to kill time he would try to yank down the curtains in his bed crown so it also had to come down- tragic!
the crib in it's glory days click here

Clearly I am not ready to let go of the babyish things. My boys love their blankies so I display them proudly-Brinley loves to yank them all of the wall, I can already see this being a cute little problem. "Brown Bear" is both of my boys' favorite book (and mine) so it is out on the shelf easy to retrieve!
See those curtains in the background. Yes, those expensive silk curtains I HAD TO HAVE (just before Rowan was born). Well I so badly wanted to get rid of them before we re-did the room and my practical husband refused. He reminded me of my begging for them long ago. Now that the room is done I actually kind of love them again! Hooray for Andy sticking it to me!


Kimmy said...

I LOOOVE the gray color you picked it's just perfect! You get a great job making it more a "big" kid room, but still keeping all the sweet little touches of what it used to be! I can't wait to see this in all in person!

Anonymous said...

oh, all those old star wars toys are so rad. My brother still has most of them. My little guy is now just getting into star wars legos, much to my husband's delight!

Anonymous said...

Star Wars! YAY!! :D :D